What Does an Elder Law Attorney Do?
An elder law attorney assists clients in planning for the legal, financial, and healthcare challenges of aging. Our goal is to help seniors take the necessary steps to plan for their future and achieve their financial goals while maintaining their independence and quality of life as long as possible.
A knowledgeable elder law attorney will have gained a unique understanding of the legal issues that affect seniors.
Asset Protection
Elder law attorneys devise sound strategies to help families protect themselves against the financial cost of long-term care in the home or in a health care facility. Elder law lawyers want to ensure that a client is using their assets and income in the best way to ensure they maintain financial independence and protect as much of their hard earned wealth as possible.
Powers of Attorney and Advance Medical Directives
Elder law attorneys can make sure that clients can designate trusted family members or friends to make necessary medical or financial decisions on their behalf.
Estate Planning
Estate planning for your family’s financial future and security is important. An elder law attorney will work with clients to organize their affairs and finances to make things easier on the family in the event of a death or illness in the family. Elder law attorneys consult with accountants, tax experts and financial managers as needed to create innovative estate plans for clients.
When someone passes away, his or her estate must be legally settled. Assets need to be counted, debts must be paid and property needs to be transferred. An elder law attorney will manage this process to ease the burden on clients’ families and ensure the process is completed properly.
Life Care Planning
Life care planning helps seniors and their families create a comprehensive plan to obtain the best possible care as clients age, while manage the financial, and legal challenges that arise.
Attorneys Halley C. Allaire and Stephen O. Allaire (Retired) are partners in the law firm of Allaire Elder Law.
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Elder Law Articles
legal news on Elder Law in Connecticut.