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Elder Law Articles

Purposes of a Simple Trust

Purposes of a Simple Trust

Most people in Connecticut do not have to worry about estate taxes when they die because the exemptions are $13.61 million, both for federal the state of Connecticut. Those laws can change, but for the average Connecticut resident, inheritance taxes are not a reason to do a simple trust. But there are two big reasons why a simple revocable trust may be a wise thing to do for any married couple.

Medicaid in Connecticut

Medicaid in Connecticut

Many clients come to us searching for the secrets of navigating Medicaid for long term care. Others believe they want to avoid it at all costs. I feel that Medicaid is a misunderstood tool, which if wielded correctly can be very useful to many people. Nothing is appropriate for everyone, but this program is much more versatile than you may think.

Life Care Plan: What is it?

Life Care Plan: What is it?

Many adult children and their spouses are faced with how to care for very elderly parents. They have also been dedicating all their spare time and more to give help to the parents at home and have learned that giving care full time is not an easy job. The time commitment alone is wearing. Another lesson learned is that it is a big learning curve, which is true. It not only involves the physical, but the financial and legal aspects as well.

Choices on Where to Live

Choices on Where to Live

When elderly parents physical condition declines to the point where they cannot stay at home without some kind of help, there are many ways to provide that help, either at their long time home or elsewhere. In some cases the adult children may be very willing to have the parent live with them, as it may be easier than constantly running back and forth to the parents home, and keeping up the parents home. There is no single answer for everyone, but if the decision is to have a parent live with an adult child, there are federal and state programs that can help pay for assistance, that can include paying the child giving the care.

Resolution: Fulfillment

Resolution: Fulfillment

We are just past the holiday season, and the New Year gives us the emotional permission needed to just relax. After the travel, the baking, the wrapping, the cleanup, and all the many thoughtful things we do for one another during this special time, it’s time for you.

Going Home Again

Going Home Again

A typical situation an older couple may face is that one of them has a serious medical event that puts them into the medical system for treatment, rehabilitation therapy, and then discharge to home. In a large number of those cases, the spouse going home needs help with the activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, dressing, eating, toileting, and safely transferring from bed to chair. They may also need support with meal preparation, medication management and mobility around their home. From long experience a huge majority of those folks want to do it on their own, with help from their spouse, and believe they can do it. For many, that is not reality and increases the chances that both will end up needing help for long term care. Here are some thoughts.

Allaire Elder Law


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