Protecting You and Your Loved Ones

Elder Law Articles

From Your Basement To Your Desk

From Your Basement To Your Desk

Many people know that Medicare will pay for rehabilitation services in a nursing home if the patient has had a three day inpatient admission to a hospital. A physician must order the care in a nursing home and it must be related to the condition that resulted in the hospital services. Practically speaking, the care must only be available on an inpatient basis. The person must need to receive seven days a week of nursing home care, or skilled therapy five days a week or some combination seven days a week. This is the normal rehabilitation families know about.

The Future of Senior Care After Covid-19

The Future of Senior Care After Covid-19

Many people know that Medicare will pay for rehabilitation services in a nursing home if the patient has had a three day inpatient admission to a hospital. A physician must order the care in a nursing home and it must be related to the condition that resulted in the hospital services. Practically speaking, the care must only be available on an inpatient basis. The person must need to receive seven days a week of nursing home care, or skilled therapy five days a week or some combination seven days a week. This is the normal rehabilitation families know about.

Handling Elder Security

Handling Elder Security

Many people know that Medicare will pay for rehabilitation services in a nursing home if the patient has had a three day inpatient admission to a hospital. A physician must order the care in a nursing home and it must be related to the condition that resulted in the hospital services. Practically speaking, the care must only be available on an inpatient basis. The person must need to receive seven days a week of nursing home care, or skilled therapy five days a week or some combination seven days a week. This is the normal rehabilitation families know about.

Covid-19 and Elder Law

Covid-19 and Elder Law

People are scared to travel, scared of getting sick, and scared of dying. Families needing home care or nursing home care for loved ones are especially affected by the COVID-19 restrictions and risks. Nursing homes will not allow visits unless the relative is dying. This is agonizing for families. One idea to keep in touch with a loved one in a nursing home is to buy an “ALEXA SHOW.” The children activate it from their home and can see and talk with mom or dad without the parent doing anything.

Using a Power of Attorney

Using a Power of Attorney

Last week the wife of a man who applied for Medicaid (Title 19), called and said that a bank manager refused to honor the Power of Attorney, from her husband to her. She needs the bank records to get her husband eligible. The manager claimed that the notary signing the acknowledgment at the end of the power of attorney did not put a notary “number” next to his name, and the power of attorney was not valid. This is completely wrong. A certain percentage of people working in banks, insurance companies or other financial institutions are completely uninformed on the laws governing powers of attorney.

Alzheimer’s Presentation

Alzheimer’s Presentation

In March my office is making a presentation to the Connecticut Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. It will provide professionals with information on programs to provide care for those with Alzheimer’s, but everyone with a loved one suffering from the disease can benefit from this summary. Medicaid has the most comprehensive program for in home care. The applicant must miss three activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, or eating), or have a need for daily supervision to prevent harm or need medication supports. A company hired by the Connecticut Department of Social Services evaluates the needs and a determination is made on functional eligibility, and how much the state will pay for care. At the high end, Medicaid can pay up to $5945 per month. In some cases, that could be 24-hour care.

Allaire Elder Law


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