Protecting You and Your Loved Ones

Elder Law Articles

Who Does What

Who Does What

Unless you handle estate planning and elder law issues every day, it can be confusing about what person or document you need to handle your legal and financial affairs, if you cannot handle them yourself due to sickness, death or absence. Let’s start for everyone over 18, the age of majority. Assuming that person is competent, it is wise to have one or more trusted persons named in a power of attorney to handle financial affairs in case of incapacity. That person used to be called an “attorney in fact”, which was confusing, so about five years ago the power of attorney law in Connecticut changed the designation to “agent”..

Communicating With Relatives

Communicating With Relatives

Many people know that Medicare will pay for rehabilitation services in a nursing home if the patient has had a three day inpatient admission to a hospital. A physician must order the care in a nursing home and it must be related to the condition that resulted in the hospital services. Practically speaking, the care must only be available on an inpatient basis. The person must need to receive seven days a week of nursing home care, or skilled therapy five days a week or some combination seven days a week. This is the normal rehabilitation families know about.

How To Afford Homecare

How To Afford Homecare

Many people know that Medicare will pay for rehabilitation services in a nursing home if the patient has had a three day inpatient admission to a hospital. A physician must order the care in a nursing home and it must be related to the condition that resulted in the hospital services. Practically speaking, the care must only be available on an inpatient basis. The person must need to receive seven days a week of nursing home care, or skilled therapy five days a week or some combination seven days a week. This is the normal rehabilitation families know about.

How Holidays Affect Those With Alzheimer’s

How Holidays Affect Those With Alzheimer’s

Many people know that Medicare will pay for rehabilitation services in a nursing home if the patient has had a three day inpatient admission to a hospital. A physician must order the care in a nursing home and it must be related to the condition that resulted in the hospital services. Practically speaking, the care must only be available on an inpatient basis. The person must need to receive seven days a week of nursing home care, or skilled therapy five days a week or some combination seven days a week. This is the normal rehabilitation families know about.

The Value of Complaints

The Value of Complaints

A client’s child was discussing his mothers care needs and he brought up a very good point. He said, “You know, my mother who is needing care at home has many complaints, but they are a vital source of information on her condition, both physical and psychological. Tell everyone to look at the valuable information complaints provide. “

Protecting The Family Home

Protecting The Family Home

Every family that owns a home has special feelings on being able to stay there if one of the spouses becomes sick and needs long term care, and also has a desire to pass it on to their children. Medicaid has special rules that apply to the home that do not apply to other assets. To begin, the home is an exempt asset under Medicaid law as long as one spouse is living in it. In a typical husband and wife situation, the rules allow transfer of the home from a spouse needing care to the healthy one at the last minute. In short, even though the 5 year lookback period will show the transfer, there is no penalty and the healthy spouse can keep the home.

Allaire Elder Law


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