Our Team

Valerie joined the firm in 2008, with extensive prior experience in real estate, probate, estate planning, and other areas of a general law practice. As our Trust & Estate Coordinator, Valerie manages the firm’s probate and trust files from start to finish, assisted by the team of Trust & Estate paralegals. She helps probate clients gather asset information from banks and other financial institutions, analyzes the assets for date of death values, and prepares the probate documents required to complete the estate. Valerie works closely with the executors of estates to assist them with the transfer of assets into the estate and the distribution to beneficiaries. She is available to clients for any questions regarding the estate and to support them following the loss of a loved one. For trust clients Valerie works with Attorney Allaire to determine which assets should be transferred into the trust, and assists the client and the financial institution to facilitate the transfer. Once the trust is in place she tracks income and expenses as well as distributions of the trust. Valerie is responsible for gathering required documents for trust and estate tax returns and coordinates with accountants to ensure that taxes are filed in a timely fashion.
Valerie lives in Bristol with her husband James and their three boys: Joshua, Jonathan and Joey, and their dogs, Rosie and Yoshi. Valerie loves having a house filled with loudness and laughter, and all the chaos and silliness that comes with having three young boys. She enjoys bike rides with her family, going to baseball and hockey games, camping at their camper in Stafford Springs.
Valerie has a B.S.degree in Legal Studies from University of Hartford.